Telling Your Story

*Quilt square pictures provided by Literature Circles.
Autobiographical Story Quilt Workshop
Telling Your Story
"Your Story is waiting, suspended, ready to be told."
In this workshop participants tell their autobiographical story through art by creating a quilt that tells their unique life story. Each square of the quilt represents a time or memory in their life that has had great meaning and/or influenced who they are in the world, family, and community.
This group is an opportunity to participate in a supportive, confidential environment that is rich in art materials and explore life stories through writing, art, and dialogue.
Potential outcomes for participants is a stronger sense of self, an understanding of their role in their community and family, a more positive understanding of their professional and work abilities, clearer goal setting for their future, and connection to other women in their community through the workshop.
Workshop Format
1. Each session will begin with a circle.
2. Poems and inspirational quotes will be used to inspire.
3. Relaxation techniques and guided imagery will be employed.
4. Journal writing will be used both in class and outside of class.
5. Open art studio time will be allotted and a variety of art materials will be available for workshop participants to inspire and create their quilt squares.
6. A closing circle will wrap up each session where participants will have time to share their story, art, and thoughts.
How will it happen?
The quilts will represent a time line of the individual's life story. The group will begin the process by looking back and recalling memories of their life from childhood and move through their lives in age stages one quilt square at a time. For each of these age or memory stages one quilt square will be created. Once the individual feels they have told their story the quilt is connected and hung as an autobiographical quilt. The group will be given the opportunity to exhibit their story quilts for friends & family or in a more public setting.
Art and Telling Your Story
Art:Underlying Concepts
All art is autobiographical; the pearl is
the oyster’s autobiography."
-Federico Fellini
Creating art is a unique process for each individual. This process offers opportunities for self determination and self directed choices as you move through the landscape of your past. This workshop allows you to find and apply your own themes and mediums to represent the substance of your autobiographical story. Participating in this workshop’s art process leads one into calm waters by providing introspection and connection to your inner self. Telling your story through art will also provide an avenue for you to explore your own internal, personal symbols.
Art is form without language and has the potential to loosen the restrictions you might impose upon yourself as you move through memories and belief systems in the creating of your autobiographical art piece. It is through art that memory, emotion, and possibility can be brought out and will speak to you of your inner world and imagery. This process allows you to be carried to a place of new awareness, self understanding, and transformation. The process of creating your story through art can also change a life script and set a new course and purpose in your life.
Story Telling:Underlying Concepts
"The voyage of discovery lies not
in finding new landscapes,
but in having new eyes."
-Marcel Proust
This autobiographical story telling workshop is a process that allows you to take time to build a new relationship with your life. It is an opportunity to examine your life from different perspectives and to discover how to consciously create your life rather than allowing life to keep on truckin’ without you being fully present at the helm.
During this workshop you will explore your past and open the door to getting to know yourself and your soul more intimately. Your soul is the deeper part of yourself that is connected to a larger source. It is your authentic self.
The process of creating your autobiographical story through art will allow you to question how your perceptions of the past have built the stories you tell yourself today. It is the act of revisiting these stories that allows you to shift them and your current perspectives to create a different relationship with your past, present, and future. This process can potentially free you from limiting beliefs and life scripts that keep you from expressing your authentic self.
Richard Bach, author of Running From Safety, reflects upon the story of his life. He looks back through his memories and builds a new relationship with himself by re-examining them. During this process, Bach gains new perspectives through the process of reclaiming and retelling his story. It is this concept that we will address during this workshop.
"The individual must find their own myth
that has to do with the conduct of his life."
that has to do with the conduct of his life."
-Joseph Campbell
Where & When?
The workshop is offered in two formats: a weekend experience that includes Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday and an 8 week class format. The workshop will take place in Vineyard Haven off of State Road. Workshops can be created to fit individual group needs. For more information on directions or on the workshop call 508-696-1927.
Where & When?
The workshop is offered in two formats: a weekend experience that includes Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday and an 8 week class format. The workshop will take place in Vineyard Haven off of State Road. Workshops can be created to fit individual group needs. For more information on directions or on the workshop call 508-696-1927.
The cost of the workshop is $175.00. The workshop includes a myriad of art supplies to inspire your process. $25.00 of this fee goes towards the cost of art materials.
Workshop Facilitator
Gwendolyn Natusch has been teaching for many years in the field of special education, theatre, and art. Her experience is varied through her work as an artist, professional costume designer, drama instructor, and theatre production director. Currently she is working towards another master’s degree in clinical social work after having attained a master’s degree in education. Her own journey through telling her autobiographical story through art has inspired this workshop.
For More Workshop Information
For more information on this workshop call or write to PO Box 713 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568. Gwendolyn Natusch 508-696-1927 or email
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